Momento exato que águia rouba refeição de crocodilo.

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Este é o momento incrível que uma águia insolente rouba a próxima refeição de um crocodilo com um só golpe e agarra em suas garras afiadas.


That's mine: This is the incredible moment a cheeky African Fish Eagle steals a crocodile's next meal with one swoop and grab of its razor-sharp talons

Dinner is served: While the fish would have only been an appetiser for the hungry reptile it looks like it would make a substantial meal for the crafty eagle

On target: Photographs show the large bird making a precise aim for its fish dinner, with its feathered legs stretched out

Wildlife safari: The incredible images were taken in Lower Sabie Dam in the Kruger National Park, South AfricaSpeaking out: The African fish eagle - which has a life expectancy of up to 24 years - is known for its distinctive cry

Tatics: They typically hunt from a high perch on the water's edge, where they can watch for fish moving close to the surface


Fonte: Daily Mail


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